Thursday, February 18, 2010

'A post with love'

“Life begins with questions and ends with questions, but the tears, smiles and moments of love in between are what really count”.

I wrote this quote last year, at a time when I realised how truly blessed I was to have come into contact with some of the most amazing creatures of our world, slum children in Bangladesh . I dedicate this blog to them, and every other child in this world who is fighting daily for the basic needs of a human being Love, Food, Clean Water, Health, Shelter and a chance for an education.

So the time has come for me to get a little bit more technologically advanced in letting people know what I have been up to. Welcome to Amanda Ryan’s BLOG “A cape and a Tiara will save the world”.

I have decided to make it a little easier for everyone to track down my movements by posting it all in one spot. So welcome to my world, where being different is cool according to the weird. Me being ‘weird’ and my ‘cool’ probably not being anything similar to the coolness of ice sliding down your chest on a hot summer’s night.

I don’t want to be one of those people who starts a blog because I believe everyone in the world MUST think I’m the most interesting person in the world. I want to start a blog to report something a little more interesting than my choices of food for the day. I would like to share with you the amazing experiences I have had and hopefully will continue to have whilst trying to make a little change in the world.

So many people who know me are probably wondering how exactly did I get from this.

To this

In the space of two short years?

Simple I woke up.

Yes, yes, Amanda Ryan was once well know for being able to party and has possibly attended at a party with you somewhere ( I was the one doing back flips into the baby pool). I am not pretending to be some kind of saint and I want to make this clear to everyone who ever graces me with their internet presence to read my blog.

After the work I have done lately many people have given me some amazing compliments that I am still trying to digest. Despite having heard so many beautiful things, I still hurt when people say nasty things, I still have ugly days that make me forget the bigger picture of the world and I still have times where I feel like I have achieved nothing in my life.

I have come to the conclusion that these are feelings that everyone has from time to time and would probably identify with. We should recognise that these emotions are just a natural part of being human; we can overcome these barriers and climb mountains like my friend Laura Frot did (literally) or we can just be happy enough knowing this and share that happiness with those people around us (apparently happiness is contagious try it).

So now I have clarified I’m just like you; warts and all. I would like to tell you all about something that I am proud of and do feel a little special about. That is my decision to do something with the gift that nature gave me; to help those who have not had the good fortune and opportunities that I have had.

I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do...

Edward Everett

Peace and love Amanda xo

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